Location Information

  • American Journey Experience
  • 400 E Royal Ln, Suite 110, Irving, TX, 75039 US

Please choose a date

By entering the Mercury One, Inc. or the "American Journey Experience" museum, you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions:

1. Prohibition of Food and Drinks:
Food and drinks are strictly prohibited within the museum floor, vault, and restoration areas.

2. Artifact and Display Handling:
Handling of artifacts or displays is allowed only with explicit permission from a museum staff member.

3. Photography and Recordings:
Flash photography and any form of audio or video recordings are strictly prohibited within the museum.

4. Group Guidance:
Groups are required to stay together with their designated tour guide.

5. Right to Refuse Service and Tour Termination:
For the protection of artifacts and the safety of visitors, the "American Journey Experience" and its staff reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. This shall include early termination of a tour and or removal of guests from premises.

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